Microsoft x Adecco 疫境自強 職場制勝 The impact of Covid-19 has changed our lives in ways never experienced before, and millions of people are facing the challenge of a lifetime. At home and at work our day-to-day existence has been turned upside down. This is a crisis that affects everyone, in deeply personal ways. First and foremost, Adecco is here to support you – now and going forward. Jack Chan who has been pro-actively embracing this situation as an opportunity to rediscover his career paths and upskill himself with the latest #upskillHK opportunity with Microsoft. Under the career consultation support from Alvin Tsang, he got a clearer understanding of his career journey. We aim to assist more job seekers to get themselves prepared to embrace changes of the “new normal of work”. Thanks for the great and continuous partnership from Microsoft! Watch the full version:
Adecco Hong Kong - 2021 Youth Development program [Adecco Hong Kong - 2021 Youth Development program] We are thrilled to welcome ... Read more
打工仔逆市錦囊 - 20201217 (有線新聞) 疫情發生以來, 唔同行業都受到嚴重既打擊, 餐飲及旅遊相關既行業更成為重災區, 逆市裡面打工仔係應該點部署? 有咩行業可以逆市擴張?聽下Adecco 香港及澳門招聘部副總監黃浩賢點講。 Read more